These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I will start this post by commenting on a couple of things that happened to me in the last 2 days and hope you can see the humor in this. Yesterday I went to Zellers to purchase a new type coffee machine. This is the one that brews 1 cup of coffee by using coffee pods. Zellers happened to have 15% off these machines on monday & being seniors day it means another 10% off. The price went from $79.97 down to a nice $61.18 taxes not included. When I went to pay for it the clerk a nice young fellow didn't give me the seniors discount so I said that it was sad that I had to give out very personal info for such a small sum of money ($6.80). God bless his heart he said I didn't think you were old enough for the seniors discount, Seniors discount starts at Zellers at 55 and it has been a while since I saw 55, Good clerk he managed to cover his mistake and brought a laugh to an "OL' FART".

Now today while I was walking up water street minding my own business and enjoying the beautiful day we are having I saw a young fellow on the corner of water & summer streets. When I got up to him he said, "POP YA GOT A QUARTER?"

After the nice experience I had at Zellers yesterday and the different one I had today I had the best laugh I had in a long time and if the fellow who ask me for a quarter today happens to read this calling an "OL' FART" "POP" is not going to be a successful way to bum money if I am any example.

Seriously though when you stop and think about it life is really wonderful. I know I have been accused of having a warped sense of humor, and I probally have but as long as I enjoy life and get my laughs I have no plans to change.

One more thing before I go as I want to tell this story my dad used to tell about working during the hungry 30's. He always claimed it was true but would not identify the farmer involved as he was well known in the Kensington area.

During this time on PEI you were paid .50 cents a day to pick potatoes but you also received your noon meal (dinner here on PEI). The meal was really wonderful as you would receive meat, potatoes, veggies, bread, rolls, tea, mild, coffee, desserts, etc. Well during the 30's the .50 cents was nice but because food was scarce it was the main attraction.

The first day picking potatoes when noon came and they all went in to eat, the spread would make you want to cry and the table contained more food that the boys from town had saw in months. The young fellow next to pop ask him to pass the butter and after a search they became aware that there was no butter to be found. The young fellow said that the wife probally forgot to put it on the table and since this was their first day there he would not say anything but tomorrow if there was no butter he was going to ask for it.

Day 2 as they are setting down to eat and a careful scan of the table again the butter was nowhere to be found. The young fellow look at the farmer and asks "WHERES THE BUTTER?" The farmer answers"GOOD BREAD DOESN'T NEED IT, BAD BREAD DOESN'T DESERVE IT."

This is what I like to refer to as Island logic.

Till next time, take care.


Blogger Riki said...

I don't think they do that anymore, Lanc.. at least, not the younger farmers... I haven't picked any potatoes myself, but my bro has.. and he hasn't mentioned getting a meal... I also remember a few years ago, bro was picking strawberries at a farm not far from where we live.. they barely gave him time to sit and eat the snack he brought with him for break, let alone actually provide one.. I think he may have taken a snack or two, though.. *L*

February 13, 2005 at 5:19 PM


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