These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Sunday, December 12, 2004


Well her we go with our first annual Chritmas trivia funtest. It is all in fun and to try to get people in the spirit of the season and on that note I will donate $25.oo to a registered charity which is active in PEI of the winners choice in their name. Come-on folks get with the trivia and in the spirit of the season. Follow instructions and send your answers to:
Good luck and the best of this wonderful season.

First section just list question # and letter answer.
1 - E.
2 - AB.

(1) In "A Charlie Brown Christmas" what does Lucy want for Christmas?
A: Money.
B: Real estate.
C: Diamonds.
D: A Car.

(2): In "Frosty the Snowman" who provides the voice of "Frostie"?
(A): Tennessee Ernie Ford.
(B): Morey Amsterdam.
(C): William Halsey.
(D): Jackie Vernon.

(3): Where was the movie "White Christmas" set?
(A): Colorado.
(B): Montana.
(C): New Hampshire.
(D): Vermont.

(4): Who played Bing Crosby's army buddy in "White Christmas"?
(A): Jimmy Stewart.
(B): Dean Martin.
(C): Danny Kaye.
(D): Bob Hope.

(5): What happened to the character played by Tim Allan in "The Santa Clause"?
(A): He gained weight.
(B): He grows a beard.
(C): He gets fired.
(D): All of the above.

(6): The carol Silent Night" was composed for what instrument?
(A)" Harp.
(B): Pipe Organ.
(C): Guitar.
(D): Piano.

(7): Name Scrooge's deceased business partner in "A Christmas Carol"?
(a): Bob Cratchit.
(B): Jerry Cornelius.
(C): Bill Styles.
(D)" Jacob Marley.

(8): In north America Children hang stockings at Christmas. What do Dutch Children use?
(A): Old hats.
(B): Beer Mugs.
(C): Shoes.
(D): Stockings like everyone else.

(9): Good King Wenceslus was king of what country?
(B): England.
(C): Bohemia.
(D): None of the above.

(10): Where did the real Saint Nicholas live?
(A): North Pole.
(B): Malta.
(C): Turkey.
(D): No such person.

(11): In "how the Grinch stole Christmas" what was his dogs name?

(12): In the 1969 cartoon classic "Froaty the Snowman" how high could Frostie count?
(A): 8.
(B): 3.
(C): 5.
(D): 6.

(13): Joel Ponsett brought the ponsettia tp America in 1829 from what country?
(A): Canada.
(B): China.
(C): Mexico.
(D): Spain.

(14): Settlers from what country used the first Christmas Trees in the USA in the early 1880's?
(A): France.
(B): England.
(C): Germany.
(D): Scandinavian.

Section 2, just question number and type answer.

15 - Screech & Coke.
16 - Boston, Mass.

(15): What was grandma drinking when she was run over by a reindeer?

(16): What US city lights it Christmas tree on the Ellipse?

(17): What do 6 of the first 7 gifts for "my true love" have in common?

(18): What does "Alvin" want for Christmas?

(19): What film introduced "Silver Bells" & Bob Hope?

(20): What 3 characters sing "The Chipmunk song"?

(21): What "ethnic" Christmas song was a hit for Bing Crosby?

(22): Who wrote "The Grinch"?

(23): What was used to make "Frosties" nose?

(24): What date did "Good King Wenceslas" venture forth?

(25): Who asked "is their a Santa Clause? First and last names please.

(26): What was Scrooges sisters name?

(27): Who's 1957 album contained both songs, "White Christmas" & "Blue Christmas"?

(28): In what 1942 movie did Bing Crosby first sing "White Christmas"?

(29): Who sang both hit songs "Rudolph" & "Frostie"?

(30): Who played Kris Kringle in the 1994 film "Miracle on 34'th Street"?

(31):Who is credited with introducing the Christmas tree to England?

(32)On what date do they cellebrat Christmas in Belarus?

(33): What Christmas song starts with "The sun is shining, the grass is green"?

(34): What is Thomas Nast famous for? Who did he work for?

(35): Who were the 3 "priests of Zarathustra" better known as?

(36): What country issued the first Christmas stamp? In what year?

(37): In no more than 38 words and no less than 31 write a little paragraph on "What Christmas means to me"? If more than 38 words or less than 31 words no points will be given. Will be judged on content only, not on spelling or grammer.

Section three, name Santa in the following countries. Answers as Canada - Santa Clause>

(38): Greece?

(39): England?

(40): China?

(41): France?

(42): Italy?

(43): Sweden?

(44): Netherlands?

(45): Russia?

(46): Finland?

(47): Morroco.

Thats all folks, good luck and have fun. I will post the answers after the contest closes.

Send answers to

In event of a tie I will put all the winners name in a hat and draw one out who will be declared the winner.

Any questions you have send me an E-MAIL and I will try to Answer them.

Seasons greetings all.

Till next time take care.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing for you to do Champ! I'd love to participate, thank you.

December 15, 2004 at 12:06 AM

Blogger CaliGirl said...

what is the closing date???? havent had time to do it yet...but plan on giving it a shot.

December 15, 2004 at 8:08 AM

Blogger Lew said...

Cali it closes at midnight on the 24'th of December, lots of time left.

December 15, 2004 at 4:00 PM

Blogger CaliGirl said...

great questions lew. mine and hubbys answers are emailed to you. :) hugs

December 15, 2004 at 6:28 PM


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