What a ride!!!!!
Whar a week this has been and not in a bad way, may everyone have a week like it and I will try to explain what I mean. This should be a long post so I will do it in 2 parts.
First I started out last Sunday October 3 by going to an Esso to buy a Sunday daily news paper from Halifax, N.S. as we have no Sunday papers on P.E.I. I also bought a super pak of 3 scratch & win tickets for $5.00 which I do once in a while to bring home to the wife to scratch as she likes them and I don't really care one way or the other. Usually she does not win or maybe $2. To $5. Than she tells me I just wasted another 5 bucks. Well to make a long story short we won $50,000.00 on the bingo card, she didn't tell me I wasted my money that Sunday. Went back to store to get ticket checked to be sure we won because it is a little hard to believe at first. Ticket was good so I came home and put some money in a card and gave it to the girl that sold me the tickets.
Bright and early Monday morn I went to Moncton, N.B. lotto office to pick up my check. Had my pic taken with the check and it is so bad I was almost tempted to give back check if they promised to delete pic. Came home and went to the bank on Tuesday and put it in an account till we decide what we want to do with it.
The money is really great but 25 years ago I would have spent at least half before I got home. It means mainly that we will be able to do a few things we could not before and have a nice rainy day fund for emergencies. One person told me that I would be able to sleep a little better nights and they don't know just how true that statement is as Mary tells me we are getting a new bedroom set. As far as being able to sleep better I know that Mary will enjoy that part of it better than I as woman seem to worry more about money than men or at least that is the way it is at our house. We will also paint & paper and do a little more traveling.
Part 2 to follow.
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