Today I need help from any Nova Scotia blogger who might happen to be reading this as I am trying to track down some friends from an earlier life.
For 3 years I was a Maritime union rep and for 6 more I was a Maritime vice-president of a national Postal union. The union is CPAA which stands for "Canadian Postmasters & Assistants Association which represents all workers in the smaller rural post offices. Not the Halifaxes or the Sydneys but the Windsors, Barringtons, Musquodoboits, & Elmsdales, I hope you understand what I mean.
My problem is I am trying to track down a few employees from some of these offices who I have lost contact with over the years as it is now 14 years since I last filled the job as V/P.
Due to the nature of blogs I do not want to post the names here so if anyone from Nova Scotia reads this PLEASE leave a comment below as to how I can get in touch with you and hopefully when I find out where you live I will give you an E-MAIL address you can drop off at the PO so they can get in touch with me.
If you are wondering why I don't go through Canada Post it is because sometimes when you are fighting for what is fair for employees you can make a few enemies in management who have long memories
So if you are from any part of Nova Scotia please contact me as this is very important to me.
Thank you in advance.
Till next time, take care.
lew.....please see you last blogs comments or your yahoo.ca email. :)
November 6, 2004 at 3:55 PM
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