These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Hot Monday.

Well here it is the first Mon. in August and if you went into Zellers this morning it was not to hard to figure out. It is seniors day and all customers over 55 get a 10% discount, if you run a business and would like to increase traffic set side some time each month for a seniors discount. I promise you they will come, even better offer them a free coffee and the best draw is a free bingo regardless how cheesy the prizes. Zellers open at 8:00AM and have a free bingo and $1.00 breakfast, they start lining up at 7:30 to get in to the bingo.
yesterday the Canadian Midget Fastpitch Championship started here in S'side and the championship game will held next Sun. There are 13 teams here from across Canada and if you like softball the best young players from Canada will be performing here this week. I think I will attend at least tomorrow for the day. Cost is $5.00 per day or $35.00 for the week. Tomorrows schedule is good and I will get to watch both PEI teams as both will play tomorrow. I will tell you after how it went and how good the players are.
Now for my story:
I thought I had married, "miss right" until after when I found out her first name was "Always."


Blogger CaliGirl said...

I can vouch for it being hot today...sweating just sitting here. well shoot...i missed bingo....always up for a cheap game of oh well...i dont think i was the minimum age for that

great blog champ, enjoy reading it :-)

August 2, 2004 at 3:20 PM


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