These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Most poplar man on P.E.I.

     I have been walking for about 8 years now and I mean a lot of walking, for the first 5 or 6 years I would walk over 2000 miles a year (3200 kilometers).  I also did a marathon in 2002 so as you can see I was a serious walker and the reasons were that I really enjoy walking and it does wonders as far as controlling blood sugar if you are a diabetic.  It would be nothing for me to strap on my walkman pick a couple of cassettes and go for a 10 mile ( 16 KM.) walk.
     Back to my being the most poplar person on PEI.  Well just after I started to do a lot of walking the car companies really started to push the remote locking devices for their cars and when you used it your horn would blow to advise you that your doors were locked.  Having an older truck I was not blessed with this wonderful accessory so I was not aware of them.  Don't know where you are from but here on PEI if you see someone walking you blow the horn, why I am not sure but I guess it is the 21'st century way to say hi.  Well while I would be walking across a mall parking lot people all over the place were blow their horns at me as I thought they recognized me so my arm would get tired waving at cars all over the lots.  Jeese I was so proud that so many people knew me and said hi with their horns.  One day I finally figured it out and have finally stopped waving at empty cars in parking lots.  If you see me walking and blow your horn at me and I do not wave now you know the rest of the story.
     I am working on the new site but it is non ready for use yet but I am starting to figure it out, just wish I knew if it is what I really want.  I don't think so at this time but it may get better, kind of like this site if it just had a couple of more features.
     Well here goes today's story.
Picabo Street U.S. Olympic Gold metal skier made a donation to a local Denver hospital.  In her honor they are naming a wing after her.  They are going to call it the:  "Picabo, I.C.U." 
Till next time, take care. 


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