These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Fight on

Well a fight broke out on the site where we held the game between 3 posters and it got out of hand quicker than a BC forest fire. Sort of upsets me in that people started taking sides and that just made it worse, if people would have stayed out of it things might have cooled down but when you back anyone in a corner than the real fight starts. I PM'ed all 3 and told them how sorry I was as all of them were important to the board. Hopefully all will cool down, this thing will pass and we will not lose anyone.
Well all went well at the luncheon for Special Olympics PEI yesterday at the Silver Fox. We did about the same as we have for the last few years, but we are going to have to work harder next year to improve tickets sold because if you are not going ahead, you will start to go back and this is one of our major fund raisers.
Now that the luncheon is over I will start working on the show & shine BBQ we are holding in Montague on July 4. This is a first for us but should be a good fund raised. United way had it 2 years ago but last year they could not get help so could not do it, they offered it to us and I said I would organize it for PEISO. I hope to get the rest of the directors involved and out to meet the masses , would do them good to get involved at that level for a change. Will keep you up to date as I go along.


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