These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Monday, August 09, 2004

P,E.I. Forever.

Well today I am going to rant about something that burns my butt and I don't mean a flame about 3 feet tall.
If you don't know PEI I will explain that their are 2 kind of residents, those who were born here and those who were not. The old story is if you were not born on PEI you will never be considered an Islander and I might add that to us native born Islanders that is very true. Don't get me wrong as we like people who move here but lately we seem to be getting more than our share of A$$h0le$. Nothing we ever do is right and thank God they moved here so they can correct us in the errors of our ways.
That attitude is all to common around here and the good news is that the new bridge that hooked the rest of the world to PEI runs both ways. I am sure if they lack the funds to leave that the island way would be for all us true islanders to chip up and come up with the $39.00 required. I hope I don't offend anyone because that is not my purpose here and I know we have problems on PEI, just like anyplace you might choose to live. What you do is stop your GD complaining and try to make some changes with us Islanders.
I will try to put it another way, a friend decides he would like to move into your house and live with you and you agree this is a good idea. After he moves in he decides he doesn't like the shape of your house, the paint job is crap and the color is worse. The furniture is garbage, the floor covering is not up to date. Their is nothing good about your house. I am sure all you folks that knock the Island way of life would not put up with a guest that acted this way. Well that is how I see you and as I said before if there is something you don't like let us know because we can take constructive critisam and if you have a better idea we might even help you change it.
I think the best part is they wonder why we will never call them an Islander.
Well I am glad to get that off my chest and mind and before the crapping on me begins try and remember that with your attitude I can't really think of any place you could move and be welcomed with open arms.
Now for todays story:
Charlie hadn't been feeling well so he went to his Dr. After the Dr gave him the results of tests.
"I'm afraid I have bad news" the Dr. said " you're dieing and you don't have much time left."
"oh, that's terrible!" moaned Charlie. "tell me, Doc., how much time do I have left?'
"Ten," the Dr. said softly.
"Ten?' Charlie ask. "Ten what? Years? months? weeks?"


Blogger CaliGirl said...

great post. And im trying not to take it is very hard when you are from "away" and people (not all) treat you alreay different without even knowing you...just that you are from away. I moved here to PEI in August 2002...i dont, complain about how "islander" do things cuz everyone does things different and i moved here so i have to conform in a sense to what is going on here. if i could vote...I WOULD. I contribute here by being part of a community service group and helping where i can. no...not all of us from away are assholes...some of us love and respect the island and the island way of life. I will say....PEI has the friendliest people...but my only problem that i am having since i got here is that people are so close-knit (sp?) that some dont give new people a chance to become their friend and into their inner circle. I love it here and PEI is my home...i consider myself an "islander from away"...home is where your heart is.

hope this kinda explains my side of it and made some not the greatest of writers.

August 10, 2004 at 8:43 AM

Blogger Lew said...

If I offended you Cali I am sorry unless you are one of the A$$h0les I wrote about and from reading your blog I know you arn't. Thank God for people moving here and the new ideas and attitudes they bring with them. If you read PEIINFO you will know the type I mean. I debated about this post because I thought it might offend the wrong people but like they say if you don't break an egg you will not have an omlet.
Again Cali I didn't mean to offend you and the majority of great people who choose to live in P.E.I.

August 10, 2004 at 8:55 AM

Blogger CaliGirl said...

I know Lews...its all good. just some hard realities im having to face right now in my life and the assholes that are making it hard for those that arent. its been boiling in me for some time now. i did see that thread on the PEIinfo site and didnt want to chime in cuz i am an outsider and people automatically shot me down. you are a good person from what i know about you already and agree a lot with what i have read on your opinions on the PEIinfo board. :) *hugs*

August 10, 2004 at 9:23 AM


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