Another rambling Sunday.
Well here it is another Sunday and today I am just going to ramble on about some things that happened to me in the past and I either found funny than or have since. I have always thought that the things that seem like a life and death situation at the time is what we will be laughing at down the road. If you can remember this when you are up to your butt in alligators than you will be a better adjusted person and have a much calmer life.
I wear a cross around my neck, not that I am especially religious just I like it. One day while talking to an elderly gentleman in a local mall he noticed I was wearing a cross. He reached over and touched the cross saying: "do you believe in Jesus Christ?" Believing my believes are my business I answered: "actually no I don't, this is a back up plan just in case you guys are right." Don't know where I came up with this answer so quick but he has not asked me any personal questions since.
Well this has been a very special day around here and I am not at liberty to say what happened but I will tell you all the next time I post my blog, in fact I am so excited that I have trouble thinking what I want to write so I will just sign off for now. All I can say that our good fortune means I will have to make a trip to moncton tomorrow. I think I may post my recipe for my apple pie, the amazing thing is I have made this pie many times to rave reviews and having diabetes I have never tried it. I will have a money back guarantee with this recipe and you will never eat a better apple pie.
Till next time, take care.