These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Long Walk

Well I just returned from beautiful downtown S'side. Took the van down to the better half, just a joke folk. Went to the bank, paid some bills and walked back home, should be walking more but just can't seem to get my butt in gear. Hopefully after the BBQ on July 4 I will get serious about walking again.
Not to much more I want to say today just that Nick is doing a story on Frankie and my pic for the web site at: and I will post it since the blow-up JMWEB the site manager has throws both Nick & Longears off and will not let them post. To bad it turned out this way as I enjoyed most of what they did. Guess it is not up to me to decide or no one would go.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Fight on

Well a fight broke out on the site where we held the game between 3 posters and it got out of hand quicker than a BC forest fire. Sort of upsets me in that people started taking sides and that just made it worse, if people would have stayed out of it things might have cooled down but when you back anyone in a corner than the real fight starts. I PM'ed all 3 and told them how sorry I was as all of them were important to the board. Hopefully all will cool down, this thing will pass and we will not lose anyone.
Well all went well at the luncheon for Special Olympics PEI yesterday at the Silver Fox. We did about the same as we have for the last few years, but we are going to have to work harder next year to improve tickets sold because if you are not going ahead, you will start to go back and this is one of our major fund raisers.
Now that the luncheon is over I will start working on the show & shine BBQ we are holding in Montague on July 4. This is a first for us but should be a good fund raised. United way had it 2 years ago but last year they could not get help so could not do it, they offered it to us and I said I would organize it for PEISO. I hope to get the rest of the directors involved and out to meet the masses , would do them good to get involved at that level for a change. Will keep you up to date as I go along.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Our Photo.

I finally met Frankie yesterday at the legion to get our picture taken to publish on the site of the Cut-throat Island game in which we teamed up and came First & Second. The pics will be posted on: a good site for info on P.E.I. if you would like some info on P.E.I. there are a lot of people on this site who will be only to glad to help you.
Now back to my meeting with Frankie, I had very high expectations of her and I was not disappointed, she is a very beautiful girl, intelligent, great to talk to, and nice to be around. I wish her and her family the very best the future can bring. Frankie you are a winner in my book.
Last night I attended the party for the celebrities who are appearing at the PEI Special Olympics luncheon and banquet in S'side and Ch'town today. The events are major fund raisers for the PEISO and goes a long way to support our athletes. Will have more to say about this later today, I will be attending the luncheon at noon today in S'side.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Pretty Lady.

During the Cut-throat Island challenge while Yahooing with my alliance partner Frankie I called her Pretty Lady and she ask why I thought she would be pretty as we had never met. I told her I would explain later so here goes Frankie. After she reads this I want her to tell me how close I came to describing her as we still have not met.
I have read somewhere that the perfect woman is; a chef in the kitchen, a lady in the living
room, and a whore in the bedroom. I hope to think there is much more than that.
Frankie when I say pretty lady what I really mean is beautiful woman. There is more to my pretty lady than a beautiful face, a sexy body, and a nice butt, but it is a good start. To me having all that is like applying for a job with a good education, it will help get you the job but will not keep you in the position..
I think a pretty lady is, intelligent, fun to talk to, terrific to be with, sexy, good sense of humor, compassionate, feisty and able to defend themselves and not afraid to if necessary. She is also fiercely loyal to her family and friends, makes a terrific friend, but an even more dreaded enemy. Beautiful would be nice as it is really terrific to have a sexy, beautiful lady walking beside you hand and hand especially when you love the lady very much and she loves you. To lose this is a fate worse than death especially when you are at fault. As long as the hand you are holding is the one you love beauty is not necessary.
Funny when you try to put something like this on paper your mind goes blank and I know there are many more things I have noticed about you during the game. As I think of them I will post them.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

I won !!!!!

Well the results of the online survivor game was announced last nite and I won much to my surprise. Just a lucky break that I made the final 2 because Frankie and Zara were the 2 best players and really should have been in the finals, but never look a gifted horse in the mouth, accept your victory, don't brag, and be a gracious winner. I think I will get the solar lights for in the front flower bed with the surprise $50. I won so I will have something to show for my victory.
A big thanks to all the players and Rob the host for a super job.
Frankie and I will be meeting at the legion to get our pic taken to post on the website for the game. We are going to wear bags over our heads and try to come up with some funny sayings for them.
Guess that is all for today except it is cold here again today. Sun is out and here it is 2:00PM and the temp is only 12C or 53F. I have a weather eye with temp at bottom of my screen, if it doesn't warm up I will do away with it.