Caught in rain
Well just after dinner I walked down to the Superstore on my way to have coffee with the boys. I left the Superstore and just got by the Wally (wallmart) and I heard the first clap of thunder. Well in this country we do not as a rule get dry lightning storms so I put my head down, put my trackshoes in the big cog and lit out for home. About 300 meters from home I could hear the rain coming it was raining that hard and within 30 second I was caught in the worse rain storm I have seen in a few years. Talk about wet, I had to change everything I had on even my unmentionables. The last few yards the street was like a river with the water going over the tops on my tracks. Once again proved that I am not made of sugar.
Well last nite for supper we had new PEI potatoes, God they were good. One of the best days of the year for us Islanders, new PEI spuds, fried Hamburg stake & onions, plus gravy. No new strawberries yet but hopefully before too long. This is a good time to live on PEI with the gardens starting to produce nice new vegetables, new berries, and best of all new potatoes. If you have never tried potatoes just freshly dug you have my sympathy. Potatoes will start to turn their natural sugar to startch shortly after they are dug and they are not as good but I have never ate a potato I didn't like.
Well that is all for now but soon I will tell you a perfect recipe for clam chowder PEI style, easy to make and one everyone will love who like shellfish.