These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Caught in rain

Well just after dinner I walked down to the Superstore on my way to have coffee with the boys. I left the Superstore and just got by the Wally (wallmart) and I heard the first clap of thunder. Well in this country we do not as a rule get dry lightning storms so I put my head down, put my trackshoes in the big cog and lit out for home. About 300 meters from home I could hear the rain coming it was raining that hard and within 30 second I was caught in the worse rain storm I have seen in a few years. Talk about wet, I had to change everything I had on even my unmentionables. The last few yards the street was like a river with the water going over the tops on my tracks. Once again proved that I am not made of sugar.
Well last nite for supper we had new PEI potatoes, God they were good. One of the best days of the year for us Islanders, new PEI spuds, fried Hamburg stake & onions, plus gravy. No new strawberries yet but hopefully before too long. This is a good time to live on PEI with the gardens starting to produce nice new vegetables, new berries, and best of all new potatoes. If you have never tried potatoes just freshly dug you have my sympathy. Potatoes will start to turn their natural sugar to startch shortly after they are dug and they are not as good but I have never ate a potato I didn't like.
Well that is all for now but soon I will tell you a perfect recipe for clam chowder PEI style, easy to make and one everyone will love who like shellfish.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Canada Day

Well here it is July 1, Canada day when we as Canadians as a rule do not celebrate our great country. It is not that we are not proud of our country but Canadians are very subdued and not prone to show our emotions. Most of us know we live in the best country in the world and do not have to go crazy to prove it to anyone. We PEIslanders not only live in the best country in the world but the best part of it.
Today turned out just beautiful weather wise and when I finish up my post I shall go down to spinnaker landing and go for a walk on the board walk beside the harbor, nice cool sea breeze to make it a nice walk.
Hope you all had a nice holiday.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Worse than yesterday !!!

Well if yesterday was a shi7 day today was worse. I phoned Nicole and we decided that it was impossible to do the BBQ in Montague on Sunday, just not enough time to do what has to be done and to get donations. I tried to phone Charlie and Pius this evening to express my regrets and beg if necessary for to be able to do it next year. If they say OK I will start a file on it now on what we will need for next year and get letters sent to local businesses in January or February 2005. Kind of upsets me that I could not pull it off.
Went to the Diabetic clinic yesterday and fared out not to bad, gained one lb. when I wanted to lose 10 to 15. My blood sugar readings are much better but I have to test twice a day from now on. Go back to see them on Jan 17, 2005.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Shi7 day.

Spent the whole morning visiting stores trying to get donations for the BBq on Sunday and did not get even one yes, most discouraging day I had in a long time. Even coke turned me down because they do not have a portable fountain they are not using. Reason for the no's are that the stores need time to consider our request, the no's are not a bad reflection on the stores and to be fair to them I understand why they need the time. Guess I will have to phone Nicole at our provincial office in the morning and tell her there is no way we can do the BBQ. With a few deals we could still do it but with no pop it is not possible. Really PO's me as we need the money and could become one of our best fundraisers. I will get on it a lot earlier next year if the street rodders will give us another chance.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Busy days.

Well Fri morn at 6:10AM I started to Montague to visit some stores to try to get donations for the BBQ we ar PEISO are going to run at the show & shine July 4. Visited a couple of stores and was doing fine until I visited the asite of the BBQ and was told we could not hold it this year as the property owner was going to do it. Took me by surprise but I went back to Ch'town and reported into our office, Nicole got in touch with the organizers and I returned to S'side. Got a phone message when I got home that everything was fixed up and the BBQ was back on. This really put us behind the 8 ball as we do not have the luxury of time as it is only I week away. I will go to Ch'town tomorrow morning and visit the stores I should have done Fri. Wish me luck as I will need it to put this thing together with the little time left.
Well Nick has the pictures of Frankie & I and will be posting something on it in the next few days. It should be good as Nick has a way with words. He is one of the 3 who were involved in a stupid argument and left the site. He has moved on to a new site at afternoon This is an adult site and I think Nick is more suited for peiinfo but what do I know, besides it is his choice.