These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Well entries are being received for my contest and I will announce the results on Monday Nov. 1. Keep the answers rolling in as of today I do not have 3 correct answers. Nice to know people read this s&*7 I right but I know I enjoy reading someone elses blog so I guess I am not alone.
Well I was going to slip over to mickey D's for a coffee with my old friends, we meet most mornings to discuss world events and how to correct them. It is raining out and I would get wet so I hope they can figure it out without me.
Seems like just yesterday I was working for pop at his lunchbar on Sundays and remember laughing at these old men who came in every week to socialise and do what we are now doing.
Well that is all for today folks. Keep the answers coming.
Till next time, take care.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I must say sorry and hopefully I didn't screw up someone who sent the answers to my first giany contest as I had shown the wrong E-MAIL address. I have corrected it and I will post it here also.
Not a real good start to my contests but I promice I will get better.
The real sad part is this is the first mistake I made this year, now only my ole buddy "W" the pres of our friends to our south is the only perfect person left. Oh well it could be worse, look what they did to the last known perfect person.
Sorry again folks, Take care.

Monday, October 25, 2004


Well the moment has finally arrived where I am starting my first official contest with a prize that would be hard to put a price on but first I am going to ramble for a little while since it is my blog and I can do what I want.

Well ladies just in case you havent noticed two months from today is Christmas so I hope you are into your shopping as you guys seem to take forever. Us men are lucky as we don't have to start until the 24 of December after dinner. It is much simpler than as you don't have so many choices and most things are on sale so you can save a few bucks.

Now the contest, I will post 3 questions and the first person who E_MAILS me with the correct answers wins, the rules are in the post before this one so here goes.

(1) What was the reason for Jacques cartiers voyages to the new world?
(2) Where did his voyages leave from?
(3) What was his navigators name?

Please E-MAIL your answers to:

Good luck all, the next contest will be sports questions.

Till next time, take care.

Sunday, October 24, 2004


Well I have my computor back and this post is to advise you that my wonderful contest starts tomorrow Monday October 25, 2004 when I will post 3 questions. I will give you an E-MAIL address where you will send your answers. The first E-MAIL with the correct 3 answers will be declared the winner. I will post the winners name and get them to send me an address where I can send their prize. If no one gets all 3 answers and more than 1 gets 2 right I shall have a draw to declare the winner. My decision is final and if anyone does not agree they should send their objections with reasons to George W. Bush as hopefully after December 31, 2004 he will have been fired by the American voters.
Until tommorow, take care.