These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Starting today and out of respect and caring for ol' farts like I, my blogs will now be done in huge fonds, not that our eyes are getting bad. No that is not the problem and after much research I have found the problem and it is not our fault so I will now give you the answer to this and put blame truly where it lays. Stop and think about it and you will notice what my research has shown. Light bulbs are not as strong as they used to be and no matter how good your eyes are it is not easy to see in a dark room. I first noticed this about 15 years ago and find that light bulbs are getting dimmer each year. Just a plan to get us ol' farts out of the work force early to cut our pensions and not have to treat us with the respect we should be due for all our hard over the years. I have even gone as far as to buy a 200 watt light bulb but even that one wasn't bright enough for me to read without my glasses. I was not suprised as this is what I expected from my research. I think that us ol' farts will have to form a lobby group to make everyone aware what corperate Canada is doing to us. That is all I can tell you for now as the rest is a secret and I wouldn't want to have to eliminate someone who became aware of this info. There will be more on this very important info in the days & weeks ahead.
If anyone believes any part of the above story please let me know immediately as I have 2 bridges and some real nice oceanfront property in Alberta that is not selling as fast as I would like. The price has been dropped and would make a nice investment for someone who plans to retire abour 2035. More info on these great deals can be obtained by contacting me at: lewsnews @

I watch a bit of TV and think the Cialis add for men has to be one of the funniest ones I have seen in years. Let me explain if you have not seen the add.
It is a pill for that dreaded male afflection called ED or erectile difficulties or something like or at least you know what I mean.
Well where I get the laugh is at the end where they warn that if an erection lasts over 4 hours to please go phone your dr. In most houses the wife would be on the phone to "Ripleys believe it or not" or "Strange but true." The hubby would be calling the "Guiness book of world records" or "how do they do that?"

Not to much more I want to say today just hope you all have a real good one and the ol' fart will be getting back to you before you are ready for me.

Till next time, buckle up you'll.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


As nice a day as yesterday was, today is just about the opposite. Cloudy, damp, & just plain miserable but since this is Feb. that should be expected. There is only one good thing I can think about for the month of Feb. is that it is short. If they had to shorten a month to even out the calender thank heavens they choose Feb and not one of our summer months. That is all I will say about Feb. or I might start using 4 letter words.

Well I have started walking again and that is not a good thing if you see what is going on around you. Go for a walk some time and watch some of the antics that drivers pull, really makes you shake your head and wonder what our enforcement people do most of the time. No one stops for stop signs or to make a right turn on a red unless there is traffic on the street on which they are turning on, we like to refer to it as slow & go. If they do stop they stick the nose of their car out on the street and blocks the crosswalk. God forbid you want to cross a busy street at a crosswalk. When a traffic lite turns yellow you can hear the cars reving up so they will get through and not have to wait for the next green. In S'side the average red light lasts between 40 & 55 seconds so they must really be busy to risk an accident and pain to save that little time. You can count on at least 3 cars flying through yellow and a lot of times 1 or 2 through red. I don't know about your part of the world but here in S'side yellow is considered a faster form of green.

You have all heard of road rage well here in S'side if drivers don't smarten up and start letting me cross at crosswalks and stop blocking crosswalks when stopped comming out of a side street we are going to see our first case of walker rage. Maybe this is what we need to make the streets of S'side safe for the people who walk to try to improve their health. Not much sence in walking or jogging for your health if some dumn driver is going to run over you.

From todays paper: "In Headingley Manitoba a man trying to finish the flooring in the nursery of his home ended up with a 5 CM nail embedded in his head.
David boyda, 57, was using a nail gun to put down the flooring when a nail ricocheted and planted itself in his right cheek, just millimeters from his eye.
"When he came out of the room, his eye was scrunched and the nail was sticking straight out," Sheila said Sunday.
Boyda's wife was more upset that her husband, who apparently walked out of the bathroom and proclamed, "it isn't as bad as it looks." Nuff said.

Till next time.

Monday, February 14, 2005


Today is Valentines day and I will start by wishing anyone who happens to read this post a day of love & lust which does not end untill Feb 13, 2006. Love is good, lust is good but put the both together and I can promise you that it just doesn't get any better.

A blogger friend of mine caligirl received word that her grandmother is on life support and the outlook is not good so I just want to say to Lori that my thoughts are with her and her family. My grandmother brought me up as my mother died when I was 4 years old. She died when I was in my early 40's and she is the first person really close to me who I remember dieing. I was sad and really missed her but I knew she was going to a better place and received much comfort from that thought. I still miss her and remember her but I know we will be together some day. Try to remember Lori they are in a much better place and you will get to be with them again some day.

Today was a beautiful day in S'side so I went for not one but two walks outdoors. Now that we are into mid Feb. the sun is starting to get stronger and the snow is starting to melt. The wind is still a bit cold and it was -16C today which is not that warm but dress for it and you are not cold.

well that raps up this post, Hopefully I will have more to say next time so till than, take care.