These are the musings of a retired male. Some may be interesting, some may be boring, but all will be true. It will contain info om PEI and some links I find interesting. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Almost August.

Well when I got up this morning I happened to look at my watch and suddenly realized that today is July 31 and another month is down the tube, kind of scary. Seems like summer just started and since it did just 2 weeks ago I guess that is why it seems like it should not be the end of July. Another 4 weeks and we will be into Sept. And we get a change in the weather, not cold but an end to all the humidity I hate so much and a little cooler. I think that our weather from early Sept. To mid Nov. is as good as it gets around here.
Last night I went to spinnakers Landing here in S'side, lets be fair and state that it is a tourist trap but with a difference. On Fri. Sat. & Sun. nights they have free entertainment from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. The entertainment is always local groups that don't often have a chance to perform before such an audience re size and quite a few from out of the province. It is nice down there as it is located between the marine wharf and the Silver Fox Yacht club right on the harbour. If you ever visit P.E.I. I would suggest you check ahead to be sure it is still on and plan at least 1 night at spinnaker, they usually have a different group every night. Jeese I have to figure out this photo thing so I can post pics here just to show you just how nice it is here in S'side.
I hopefully be able to post sound sometime down the road as we have so much talent here in PEI and I am so proud of it.
Well here is my story for today:
After 6 months of analysis with his psychiatrist, Woody told his buddy, "I always thought I was indecisive. "And now?"
"I'm not so sure."
Till next time.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Most poplar man on P.E.I.

     I have been walking for about 8 years now and I mean a lot of walking, for the first 5 or 6 years I would walk over 2000 miles a year (3200 kilometers).  I also did a marathon in 2002 so as you can see I was a serious walker and the reasons were that I really enjoy walking and it does wonders as far as controlling blood sugar if you are a diabetic.  It would be nothing for me to strap on my walkman pick a couple of cassettes and go for a 10 mile ( 16 KM.) walk.
     Back to my being the most poplar person on PEI.  Well just after I started to do a lot of walking the car companies really started to push the remote locking devices for their cars and when you used it your horn would blow to advise you that your doors were locked.  Having an older truck I was not blessed with this wonderful accessory so I was not aware of them.  Don't know where you are from but here on PEI if you see someone walking you blow the horn, why I am not sure but I guess it is the 21'st century way to say hi.  Well while I would be walking across a mall parking lot people all over the place were blow their horns at me as I thought they recognized me so my arm would get tired waving at cars all over the lots.  Jeese I was so proud that so many people knew me and said hi with their horns.  One day I finally figured it out and have finally stopped waving at empty cars in parking lots.  If you see me walking and blow your horn at me and I do not wave now you know the rest of the story.
     I am working on the new site but it is non ready for use yet but I am starting to figure it out, just wish I knew if it is what I really want.  I don't think so at this time but it may get better, kind of like this site if it just had a couple of more features.
     Well here goes today's story.
Picabo Street U.S. Olympic Gold metal skier made a donation to a local Denver hospital.  In her honor they are naming a wing after her.  They are going to call it the:  "Picabo, I.C.U." 
Till next time, take care. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Another Fn' night.

     Well I had another reaction last night from my insulin, again a low situation.  I have been a diabetic for about 20 years now and on May 11 I started to take 10 units of insulin before I go to bed plus I have to have a lunch so I will not go low before morning.  Sometimes it doesn't work and last night was one of those times as I woke up about 2:20AM feeling poorly and in a cold sweat with the shakes and sick to the stomach not a nice feeling.  What you have to do is get up and eat something with sugar in it to bring your blood sugar up and you feel so poorly and weak that it is all you can do is force yourself to get up. I also damn near froze if you can believe that the way the temp has been here lately.  It is not a major problem as long as you watch yourself and treat yourself to a nice candy when it happens.
     Not to much more news just I am still working on moving my blog when I find what I want and will let you all know before it happens and will leave a link here so all my fans can follow me.  On my story thing at the end I am thinking of changing it to question of the day.  if I do it will be questions on UFI (Useless F*+#ing Information) as the best way to explain it. What I am thinking of doing is to ask a question today and to answer it tomorrow to see how smart my readers are.  If you have an opinion on it just leave them in the comments column.  One reason I may go to that is in my new blog I hope to have (1) joke of the day & (2) cartoon of the day buttons plus other features.
     Well its on to today's story.
After going through 6 jobs in as many months, Jim "the crash" Thompson landed a job in a warehouse.  One day while showing off, he lost control of the forklift and drove it through a door and off the loading dock.
surveying the damage, the owner shook his head and told Jim he'd have to withhold $10.00 a week from his wages until it was paid for.
"How much will it cost?" asked Jim.
"About $7500.00" replied the owner.
"Hooray!" exclaimed Jim. "I've finally got job security."
Till next time, take care.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Another lazy Sunday.

     Here it is another lazy Sunday and I missed church again.  I have a buddy who claims to be a believer who goes to church each week and who is also a shriner.  I know what shriners do for children with their hospitals is priceless and in a lot of cases very special but a bigger bigot you have never met.  His God is the only God and he would be willing to kill to prove it.  He also does not like visible minorities, homosexuals, and anyone else who doesn't think or look like him.  We have had more than one argument over the years because of what I consider his strange believes, he thinks because I never go to church I am an atheist and you can't convince him that my God is different than his in a few very important ways.  My God loves all living things either human or animal and does not ask his followers to kill in his name.  My God teaches that all living things are equal and are to be loved by one and other.  I believe in a God and have no quarrel with anyone's God, mostly it is their fan club that worry me.
      I have a problem with what people say and what they do, for example is Geo Duwba the president of our friends to the south.  He does not believe in abortions because they take a life, but he has (1) no problem bombing the crap out of innocent people in Iraq or other countries. (2) He sends Americas fines young people to fight an unjust war and to die in a foreign country. (3) He says it is wrong to murder someone as you took a life, but he has no problem taking the life of the murderer.
     Story time.
The second day of a diet is always easier than the first.  By the second day you are off it.
     Take care and will catch you later.